Latest Episodes

Into the Fold, Episode 8: Why Evaluation Matters
Evaluation is a crucial yet often overlooked component of the grantmaking enterprise. In this episode of Into the Fold, Dr. Michele Guzmán of the...

Into the Fold, Episode 29: Understanding Obamacare
With the recent election of Donald Trump as U.S. president, there is a very real chance that the Affordable Care Act will be gutted...

Into the Fold, Episode 7: Community-Based Participatory Research
What happens when members of affected populations go from being objects of study and intervention to co-investigators of the phenomena that impact their lives?...

Into the Fold, Episode 6: Peer Support as Innovative Disruption
What is peer support? Is it simply a new profession or an attempt to make mental health treatment more efficient? Not hardly. As Chacku...

Into the Fold, Episode 5: Seeing Through the Lens of Cultural Competence
In this episode, Dr. Delida Sanchez, a professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at The University of Texas at Austin, discusses the link...

Into the Fold, Episode 4: Challenges of Emerging Adulthood
In this episode, we sit down with Marc Fagan, Psy.D., a national expert in youth and their transition to adulthood, especially those with mental...